You have enriched our professional and personal lives by sharing yours with us. Our careers as advisors have exposed us to a wonderfully diverse group of individuals and families from many different walks of life. We have listened intently as you shared your life journeys, chronicling the highs and the lows, and the lessons you learned along the way, and we are truly humbled. Wealth is built and sustained over time, with hard work and dedication, with integrity and passion, with patience and prudence. These concepts sound simple, but practicing them for life is not easy, yet you all stand as examples. We strive to maintain a wealth management culture that embodies the principles and values of those we serve. Vigilare Wealth Management was created for you and inspired by you.
The Latin word vigilare, ancestor of the English vigilant, describes the act of being keenly watchful to detect danger, or to be wary, ever awake, and alert. To supervise, to monitor, to guard: a vigilant sentry. In every sense of the word, Vigilare is the foundation of sound wealth management.

The Registered Investment Advisor Advantage
As a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), we take accountability for decision making. RIAs are held to a high standard of “fiduciary duty,” which means we work for you and put your interests first. At Vigilare Wealth Management we stand firm in our belief that the client should always come first, no matter what the situation, and that is why we are an RIA.